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  • Writer's pictureLisette Ransdell

Pisces Partial Lunar Eclipse, Sept. 17/18, 2024~3 Queens & 3 Ten's spread

Updated: 5 days ago

The timing is determined by your personal astrological clock, marking a new phase in our collective belief and love for the Universe. The Eclipse Season for the end of the 2024 calendar year begins next week, on September 17th and 18th, bringing forth the Virgo energy, grounded in practicality and Neptune's influence. As tensions rise, we are encouraged to seek truth, learn more about ourselves, and connect with the deeper realms of humanity. This is not just about endings, but also about new beginnings and navigating the complexities that impact our hearts and minds. By tuning into your inner light and spirit, you can embrace the spiritual essence within you. Welcome to the spiritual journey of Neptune in Pisces, where love and truth intersect, guiding us towards a deeper understanding of our inner selves.



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